Georgia, our next election is November 5.

We’ve got choices to make this November. The future of our state and our country is up to us. That’s the power of our vote. Make a plan and get to the polls.

  • A woman attending a event with a fierce justice demand expression.
  • Guest Speakers preparing to speak at a event, wearing the "Eat. Sleep. Organize. Vote. Repeat." sweatshirt from New Georgia Project.
  • People hangout at one of New Georgia Project events.

New Georgia Project is a nonpartisan effort to register, civically engage, and build power with the New Georgia Majority–the large and growing population of Black, brown, young, and other historically marginalized voters in the Peach State.

  • A woman attending a event with a fierce justice demand expression.
  • Guest Speakers preparing to speak at a event, wearing the "Eat. Sleep. Organize. Vote. Repeat." sweatshirt from New Georgia Project.
  • People hangout at one of New Georgia Project events.

New Georgia Project is a nonpartisan effort to register, civically engage, and build power with the New Georgia Majority–the large and growing population of Black, brown, young, and other historically marginalized voters in the Peach State.

  • A woman attending a event with a fierce justice demand expression.
  • Guest Speakers preparing to speak at a event, wearing the "Eat. Sleep. Organize. Vote. Repeat." sweatshirt from New Georgia Project.
  • People hangout at one of New Georgia Project events.

New Georgia Project is a non-partisan effort to register and civically engage Georgians

Georgia’s population is growing and becoming increasingly diverse. Over the past decade, the population of Georgia increased 18%. The New American Majority – people of color, those 18 to 29 years of age, and unmarried women – is a significant part of that growth. The New American Majority makes up 62% of the voting age population in Georgia, but they are only 53% of registered voters.

Engage with Our Campaigns

Engage with Our Campaigns

We focus on the issues our communities care about and connect those issues to the importance of voting. Check out our issue-based campaigns and get involved with the ones that speak loudest to what’s important to you!