Voter Protection
Voter Protection
We need YOU to help us protect the right to vote on Election Day! Become a VoPro Poll Monitor to support voters at the polls and make sure they can successfully cast their ballots. By becoming a VoPro Poll Monitor, you’ll help ensure this year’s elections are fair, transparent, and accessible to Georgia voters.
NGP will get you trained up and ready to go out to polling places within an hour (or two!) of you. We’ll give you all the tools you need, so you can protect Georgia voters at the polls.

GA Peanut Gallery
A lot of changes to GA’s elections processes happen at the county level. NGP’s Peanut Gallery program monitors all 159 of GA’s county Boards of Elections (BOEs) to make sure they aren’t trying to restrict our right to vote. We need volunteers all over the state to join the Peanut Gallery and hold our elections officials accountable to the people!
Sign up to volunteer with the GA Peanut Gallery to monitor county BOEs and protect the right to vote in Georgia.